Chargeback Management is hard.
We make it

Our Mission Our Services

Our Partners


RCVR offers end-to-end dispute management services for transactions at any stage. Our primary value lies in advising you on the most profitable configuration of these products for your business.

Chargeback Analytics

Understand the nature and sources of your chargebacks by leveraging automated, real-time connections to hundreds of banks, processors and ISOs.

Chargeback Alerts

Prevent chargebacks and protect your merchant accounts with a full suite of alert products, all in one place. Mix and match the alert types to your risk tolerance.

Chargeback Representment

Intelligently fight and recover chargeback revenue with our AI-driven dispute technology. Win more revenue, faster with strategic support and guidance.

Rapid Dispute Resolution

Automate chargeback dispute resolution, saving time and money. Create a cleaner eCommerce experience for your customers, and facilitate streamlined refunds.

We are

Our clients face risks in everything they do, and finding the right balance is crucial for recovery.

At RCVR, we combine smart dispute technology with business risk and revenue consulting. We act as an extension of your team, using technology and our combined 30 years of experience to set customized goals for managing revenue and disputes.

True recovery happens when technology and personal service come together in a boutique environment, customized just for you. We love this idea so much, we put it in our company name:

Risk Consultants who Value Revenue

Feel like your current chargeback strategy is costing you more than it should?

Chargeback Strategy Optimization

Are you concerned about overspending on chargeback alerts? It's a common issue that can strain your operating cash flow. RCVR is dedicated to optimizing your chargeback strategy in a cost-effective manner.

Mix and Match Technology Providers

RCVR lets you choose the technology you prefer, whether it's through our direct connections or chargeback partners. With RCVR, you can try different chargeback software options based on your needs, all while keeping your reporting consolidated in one place.

Our core strength lies in leveraging industry partnerships and connections.

At RCVR, we pride ourselves on our reputation within the industry. Our dedicated team works collaboratively with various chargeback technologies to advocate and protect businesses from revenue loss due to chargebacks and fees, ensuring they can focus on their core operations. Contact us today to explore how RCVR can help you optimize and strengthen your bottom line.

Our team of experts is dedicated to helping businesses recover lost revenue due to chargebacks and fraud. We understand the impact that chargebacks can have on a business, and we work tirelessly to ensure that our clients are protected and their revenue is maximized.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business recover lost revenue and protect your bottom line.

Contact Us

  • 17872 Gillette Ave, Suite 325 Irvine, CA 92614


  • (714) 248-5294